When folks come to visit,
Fells Point is the natural destination. With its cobblestone streets, old colonial shops & and endless string of pubs overlooking the water--its a sure thing.
Which is why when Scott's chum came to town on business, we met up at an old, creeky joint in Fells.
Coming straight from work, I found them clustered at the end of the long bar, talking animatedly. I hugged the old friend and shook hands with his boss, who apparently was to join us for our night on the town. He was tall, fit and attractive-- with an emphasis on well-groomed.
While the old friends caught up on barstools, the bossman and I got aquainted. Or, I should say, I quickly became acquainted with the following:
He knew he wanted to make "six figures before he was thirty". He didnt look much older than thirty. His children are the smartest in the world. He runs 5 miles every morning. He eats better than anyone. He and his wife are incredibly in love and he surprised her with getting re-married in Martha's Vineyard this past summer. Life, for this young bossman, was in every way, shape and form
perfect. I think I told him that I went to Martha's Vineyard once, but I'm not sure he listened.
We trundled down to a great old restaurant and settled in for the predictable crab bonanza. Wine was ordered. Bossman, I noticed, was getting a little loopy. More crab treats and more wine. His otherwise perfectly perpendicular disposition became more, well, diagonal. He told us about his very Republican affiliation.
Plates were cleared and after dinner drinks were served, and I noticed his arm sliding somewhat behind my chair. Scott, seated across from me, looked slightly bewildered, I shot him a reassuring look and squelched a laugh. I felt bossman's bispeckled eyes on me, and the moment I turned my head, he was poised and ready. His big, clean-cut head all zoomed in close like a large moon. He leaned in and said "I can't stop thinking about you."
Coffee nearly splattered across my plate, as I thought about it. Can't stop-- as in, over the past hour? Now, in all truth, it was flattering, even coming from a guy who probably didnt even retain my name.
It only got worse, Mr. Perfecto would take a long swill of his drink and wait for the perfect moment to slur flatteries in my general direction. He grew somber and heavy, the guys went to get the check. He leaned towards me, trying to stare intensely, saying nothing and all at once omitted the most colossal fart. I almost choked. The guys returned, Scott sat down and was about to say something-- but was physcially jarred. I shuddered, trying not to laugh. It was a perfect moment.