
After months of hoping the temperatures would drop low enough to turn the rain into snow, my wish finally came true! Unhappily, the conditions decided to cooperate when were down south.

Friday was nothing short of heroic. We had been so looking forward to getting out of town, just the two of us, for weeks. Work has not become any easier, namely since I've consumed myself in a new project for a wonderful museum (yay! much more interesting than web sites for healthcare or pharmaceuticals).

I don't know why I didn't suspect this going into this project-- but museum people are incredibly literal. I have had to present our project plan three times, defending terms such as "feedback". "Uhm, that is when you speak and I listen."

The third presentation took place on Friday, again, in a large historic room of the museum, all ten of them assembled around the long wooden table while I prattled on about process. I literally saw two women at the end of the table nodding off, it was, after all, Friday afternoon. Who cares what a wireframe is? At 4:01 I blasted through the final items and wrapped it up. Managed to weasle out of there by 4:20, picked up Scott & the dog and were on the road by 4:45.

We got in just in time to grab dinner at a great local joint, and head to his parent's house (who were away). We woke up, turned on the news and learned a foot of snow was about to dump on our home back in MD. Without hestitation or discussion, we packed up the car, the dog and rolled all the many hours back home. In essence, we drove 7 hours so Scott could eat a Cap'ms Platter.

It was well worth it! We settled in back in our home and watched both the Olympics and the snow frost the tree limbs outside our windows. I take it all very seriously-- chicken & stars soup, soggy mittens and the Christmas Eve-like excitement that maybe we won't have to go anywhere for days. Yay! And a foot it was.

What is truly beautiful, aside from the clean, blanketed streets and latticed trees, is the chance to simply stay cozy and enjoy, guilt-free. You can't go anywhere! Languorous hours over cups of tea or glasses of wine have revealed the following fascinating facts:

Scott has consumed approximately 3,940 oysters in his lifetime, and roughly 1,370 crabs. This was mathematically proven.

I now must address my husband as Nor'easter. Will not answer to Scott or Klakoo.

I am, and will remain, the Scrabble champion of the Northeast corridor. Er, well, of the 12 foot width of our household.